By their very nature, HVACs make noises. There are a lot of moving parts to these pieces of equipment, and they generate quite some noise when they run.
But there are some noises that could indicate a larger issue at hand. How do you differentiate harmless HVAC noises from those that deserve attention?
Our breakdown below is designed to help any homeowner in North Carolina better understand those strange noises coming from their HVAC systems. And, know what steps to take to make sure their heating and cooling systems live to fight another day.
A Whistling Noise
If you hear a consistent whistling noise every time the HVAC is running, then the culprit is more than likely a broken seal somewhere along your ductwork. This is actually a relatively easy fix. You just need caulk or heat tape to reinforce the seams.
A Rattling Noise
This is actually one of the most common noises we get calls about. Rattling is often due to loose screws. A tightening of these screws should do the trick. Just be sure to turn off power to your equipment before you do the work.
If the noise persists, make sure you call your heating and cooling specialist.
A Screeching Noise
Anyone who’s driven a car long enough is likely to be familiar with the terrible screeching noise that comes from a worn out fan belt. Well, your HVAC system also uses belts. That screeching sound you hear could indicate a worn belt that needs to be replaced.
This is a job for a professional.
A Thud Sound
If you hear a thudding sound, this could indicate a loose fan blade. A loose blade is often the result of something falling into your unit, dislodging the fan from its place. Because of the moving parts involved, and the likely need to go into the unit, we recommend you call a professional to address this sound.
But if you want to inspect the unit quickly on your own, be sure to turn your system off before conducting your inspection.
A Click-Click Noise
We’ve saved the best for last. If you hear a continuous click-click sound every time your HVAC unit is running, you must call a technician immediately.
Because this sound typically means that either there’s a small obstruction or the fan is loose and is knocking against its housing.
Either way, you risk causing damage to the system components if you continue to run your HVAC without addressing the problem.
If, however, you hear a clicking noise while the HVAC tries to turn on, you likely have an electrical problem (and again, this is a job for a professional).
Not Sure Why Your HVAC Is Making That Strange Sound?
The best course of action to take is to contact our team here at Comfort First. Not only will we identify the root of your sound, but we’ll also inspect the entirety of your system to make sure your HVAC is ready to keep your family comfortable all year long.
Give us a call today to learn more.