We don’t have to tell you that summer is fast approaching. Temperatures across North Carolina, including in Raleigh and the Outer Banks, are rising and, as a result, so too will the temperature inside your homes. Unless you have a well-functioning air conditioning unit. Of course, many homeowners assume their AC’s will work without issue come summer, despite these units sitting dormant throughout the harsh winter months. It’d be terrible to assume your AC is working properly, only to find out, when it’s too late, that it’s not. You don’t want to wait until summer to have your AC inspected or repaired. Come summertime, AC repairmen, like the team here at Comfort First, become bogged down with scheduled and emergency AC calls. It can be frustrating (and expensive) to get someone out to your front door fast during this high-volume time of the year. That’s why we strongly encourage our neighbors throughout N.C. to get their AC’s checked long before summer hits. Here are 3 specific reasons why it’s in your best interest to call the Comfort First team today!
Your Pipes May Have Frozen During the Winter
We know that many people attempt to winterize their coils and pipes to handle the cold winter months. But whether you took that step or not, there’s still a very good chance that your pipes may have frozen. Our unique climate here in North Carolina means there are times that it’s cold enough to cause brittleness and cracks in your piping, which will prevent fluid from flowing to your air conditioning unit. Our licensed technicians will be able to spot frozen pipes and recommend solutions before the problem escalates.
Your AC Needs to Get Ready for Its Busy Season
Every pro-athlete has a pre-season, which prepares him or her for their most active and taxing time of the year. Believe it or not, your AC needs that same type of preparation. Your AC will be under a tremendous amount of stress during North Carolina’s summer months. You need a trained eye to double-check that all of your AC’s components can handle prolonged use at high settings.
We Can Help You Save Money on Your AC Energy Costs
Having an air conditioner in Raleigh and the Outer Banks is all but a necessity. But that doesn’t mean we don’t gripe when we get our energy bills each month – it’s not fun having to pay that much for our comfort. While we can’t completely erase your energy bill, we can help ease the pain. There’s a very good chance that you completely neglected your AC over the winter. As a result, it’s possible that a good amount of debris and dirt accumulated. That buildup forces your AC to work even harder during the summer. This places unnecessary strain on the entire system, causing your energy bill to skyrocket. One of our thorough inspections will ensure that your AC system is running efficiently.
You’ll Live In Greater Comfort With Regular Inspections
Our customers tell us this time and time again: the regularly scheduled cooling and heating inspections we perform extend the life of their equipment, saves money on energy and repair costs, and keeps their homes (and families) comfortable all year long. Isn’t it time you enjoyed that same level of comfort and peace of mind? Give the Comfort First team a call to learn more or sign up for our comprehensive maintenance program today!